6. Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Data Selector tool. Feel free to suggest new entries!

6.1. General questions

How do I get a copy of the tool?

The source code as well as the installer setups can be downloaded from GitHub (MapInfo or ArcGIS). Please ensure that you use the correct configuration file, examples copy of which are also included with the releases.

Can several people use the tool at the same time?

Any number of users can use the tool if they have a copy of the tool installed or loaded in their own copy of ArcGIS or MapInfo. Where outputs are written to a central (network) location, it is important to ensure that no two users are saving to the same files at the same time as this can lead to unexpected results.

Does the tool work with QGIS?

Currently only ArcGIS and MapInfo implementations of the tool exist. However, if funding was available the tool could be adapted to also support QGIS.

6.2. Operating the tool

One of the SQL Server tables I want to use isn’t showing in the form. How do I get it to show up?

This issue will arise if the layer isn’t being selected by the SQL statement in the XML configuration document. Please refer to the setup section and adjust the TableListSQL statement, and the Include and Exclude wildcards as appropriate.

I got an error message about a SQL error

If there is an error in any of the selection criteria (i.e. the ‘Columns’, ‘Where’, ‘Group By’ or ‘Order By’ fields) then a SQL error message may appear. The contents of the message will vary between MapInfo and ArcGIS but both will contain some information about the nature of the SQL error. The details of the error are generated by SQL Server and will generally be specific to the nature of the error (e.g. ‘Incorrect syntax near …’ or ‘Invalid column name …’), but they can sometimes be more cryptic.

How do I learn how to use SQL syntax?

There are some excellent free online resources available to learn how to write SQL queries. Some examples are The W3 Schools tutorial and the Tutorialspoint SQL tutorial. When writing your queries bear in mind that the tool is set up to run a SELECT query only.

6.3. Tool issues

How do I report a new bug or propose a change in the tool?

Please check the existing known issues and change requests on the LERCAutomation pages on GitHub (ArcGIS, MapInfo) before reporting/proposing new issues or changes. If you have a new issue or request you can submit it there and it will be picked up by the developers. Alternatively, you can email suggestions to Hester or Andy.